Technical Reference
Browse the latest MINTDATA™ reference pages including glossary and documentation on spreadsheet functions, components, flow blocks, and datatypes:
Look up an unfamiliar term you came across while exploring the website content.
Explore the reference documentation on components, that is visual elements, such as a Button, Box, or TextInput. Find out about their properties and events and learn how to use components on the MINTDATA™ platform.
Consult the documentation on spreadsheet functions so that you can use them properly while developing your applications. Play with the function examples in the provided playgrounds (where available).
Explore MINTDATA™ Flow Blocks: They allow you to connect with external systems and bring the data into your application's user interface.
Data Types
Explore MINTDATA™ reference on data-types, atoms that hold data. Learn about function arguments, primitive data types, frames, date and time, and binary data.